Melbourne Birth Hypnosis

Birth Hypnosis in the comfort of your home.  

Birth Hypnosis creates a space of calm within

Connect with Bethany

'Hypno for Birth'

Preparing the mind for birth is an incredibly powerful step in improving your confidence and readiness for birth. If you are planning a homebirth, birth via caesarean, a natural birth or a birth using an epidural Birth Hypnosis is a well researched coping technique for reducing fear and anxiety and improving the perception of pain to promote a good childbirth experience. Having a technique to tap into during times of challenge and birthing from an inner space of calm and peace will create a more connected and positive birth experience for you and your baby.

 During a session we discuss your specific challenges, fears, worries concerns. We discuss your desires, hopes and dreams for the birth of your baby. We explore your understanding of the technique and fill in the gaps where needed. Together we practice breathing techniques, different methods of self calming and experience a guided deep relaxation session. Hypnosis for birth is self hypnosis, this technique is best practised daily at home prior to the birth of your baby, ultimately you will begin practising as early into your pregnancy as you feel necessary – it’s never too late, and never too early to begin your deep connection to this beautiful technique.  

NB: Travel fees may apply with in person sessions. 


Birth Hypnosis Enquiry Form